Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I have 154 people on my contact list of MSN, and I talk to..... let's say... maybe 20 people? And maybe around 5 people on regular basis. People rarely talk to one or another now a day, what happen to that!!?? Maybe it's because we are all grown up, but chatting on MSN can be still fun, I have fun talking to my friends. 
On my MSN contact list, I don't know everyone because all their names are NOT their names, and every time I decide to clean up my MSN list, I do not know who to delete!! and even too embarrassed to ask who they are. So I just leave everyone on my list since gr.9. A couple people change have new MSN and add me, so I have a person's MSN TWICE. And when it comes to deleting, how do I know which one is old and which one is new? because I don't remember people's MSN base on their ID. 
Anyways, this is frustrating me....... = =".